Blu & Roux Give Back
In a world where loyalty and companionship often come with a wagging tail, the bond between humans and their canine friends is nothing short of extraordinary. One of Blu & Roux’s first models was a service dog named Juneau, who taught us a completely different definition of “bond” that we were unfamiliar with. Juneau’s owner immediately wanted one of our travel beds to prevent her from laying on hard surfaces, and people stepping on her as they passed in different establishments. Juneau was our very first official customer.
We always knew we wanted to give back into the community with our beds, we just didn’t know how. When we met a group of cheerful volunteers on a restaurant patio accompanied by 8 service dogs all with happy tails, a few of them stopped by for some pets and a chat about the organization which relies solely on volunteers and donations. It was meant to be.
A few short weeks later, we made our way over to the Canine Assistants farm for the very first Blu & Roux travel bed drop-off.

Canine Assistants
Canine Assistants is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating people and dogs so they may enhance the lives of one another. They specialize in placing service dogs with people who have difficulty with mobility, epilepsy/seizure disorders, or Type 1 Diabetes, along with placing Community Service Dogs who provide therapy services to children and adults primarily in Children’s Hospitals. Additionally, they provide a Disabilities Awareness Education Program and K-9 Kids Reading Program for school-age children as well as Animal Assisted Therapy services.
Service dogs can cost a recipient upward of $30,000. With over 30 years of dedication, Canine Assistants has placed more than 2700 service companions free of charge to those in need. Beginning in 2024, those companions will now have their very own Blu & Roux travel bed to take along with them on their new journey. For every 25 beds sold, 1 is donated.
Interested in learning more about this amazing program and how you can get involved? Click the link below to chek them out.